Oregon Deer Hunting Season Looking Gloomy

Lower than expected deer numbers in many parts of the state, disease and encroachment from developements all wait to greet Oregon deer hunters this year. There are few bright spots in the upcoming Oregon deer season, making scouting all that more important if you plan...

Should You Shoot Small Bucks?

You know, I never took this questions very serious until recently. Over the past few years, I’ve seen this question start some real knock down and drag out debates (okay, arguments!) in online deer hunting forums. But I’ve been seeing more and more of them...

Survivorman vs Man vs Wild

Funny, I was thinking about these two shows and the difference between Survivorman and Man vs Wild when I saw someone mentioned Les Stroud and Bear Grylls in the comment section of the Alaska Experiment post. I like both Survivorman and Man vs Wild. Bear Grylls and...