Baiting Deer – Good, Bad or Ugly?

I’ve never given much thought to baiting Deer until recently. When I moved to Texas 8 years ago, I was amazed at how many people here used corn feeders. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think that a Deer couldn’t be killed in Texas unless you had a corn feeder!...

Big Game Titan Ladder Treestand Review

Click here to save up to 20% on the Big Game Titan XT Ladderstand in 2017 Last Fall I found deer crossings on a fence line between two properties where we hunt. It was about 75 yards from an old road where we have an original Doghouse blind set up – permanently....

Excalibur Axiom Crossbow Review

Click to save up to 15% off the Excalibur Axiom 6845 in 2017! My experience with the Starfire was not that positive really. I was very loud when shot, it had a lot of vibration, and I mean a LOT! I tell people it reminded me of hitting a flag pole with a aluminum...

Oklahoma Public Hunting Hotspots

Oklahoma deer hunting has come a long ways since I grew up there. When I was a boy, there were only a few counties in the state that were designated as “Shotgun Only” and I lived in one of them (in fact, it may have been the ONLY county designated as Shotgun Only). I...

MDM ‘Buckwacka’ Muzzleloading Rifle Review

I bought my Mellennium Designed Muzzleloader “Buckwacka” .45 caliber black powder rifle about 3 years ago. I had previously owned and shot a few inline muzzleloaders since “coming over” from the traditional black powder rifle. Yet, when I shot those rifles and carried...