Texas State Record Caught!

The morning dawned clear and chilly with a light southwestern wind. I had worked the graveyard shift at the Borger Refinery & NGL Center (Phillips 66) and had gotten off of work at 5:30 in the morning. After having invited several friends to go fishing with me and...

Oregon Deer Hunting Season Looking Gloomy

Lower than expected deer numbers in many parts of the state, disease and encroachment from developements all wait to greet Oregon deer hunters this year. There are few bright spots in the upcoming Oregon deer season, making scouting all that more important if you plan...

Winchester 30-30 – America’s Deer Cartridge

If you’re getting long in the tooth like me, chances are your first deer gun was chambered in 30-30 Winchester. Chances are also good that the Winchester 30-30 you had was either a Winchester Model 94 or a Marlin 336 (or one of the many knockoffs). It’s...

Should You Shoot Small Bucks?

You know, I never took this questions very serious until recently. Over the past few years, I’ve seen this question start some real knock down and drag out debates (okay, arguments!) in online deer hunting forums. But I’ve been seeing more and more of them...