Summer is finally here, and it’s the perfect time to explore the great outdoors. However, surviving the outdoors is not as easy as many people think. It requires a lot of perseverance, wit, and most importantly, survival skills.
Before leaving home, you need to ensure that you think about every scenario that may crop up while you are out in the great wide open. You also need to learn how to get by with limited supply, build shelter, as well as find food and clean water.
Love Outdoors? Here are 55+ Tips to Survive the Wilds
Staying Warm
1. Locate a good campsite. A good campsite is high, dry, and free from widow-makers and insect nests. It should also be near resources such as water.
2. If you don’t have a tent, build a simple lean-to shelter by stacking branches close together under a downed tree resting under at an angle.
3. The dead barks of trees can be used to make a waterproof roof.
4. Sleep on elevated surfaces by creating a makeshift hammock using your bed sheets. Your body will lose less heat and you are safe from bites of crawling bugs.
5. Start a fire using a bow and drill. A bow-drill set has five parts – a bow, string, drill, and a handhold. The drill is spun against the board by the bow and string until fire starts.
6. You can also start fire using fine steel wool and a small battery. Simply bridge the terminals of the battery with the steel wool strands and sparks will form.
7. Learn how to start fire using a stone and steel. Hit the steel with the stone until sparks start to appear.
8. Learn how to start fire using a traditional magnifying lens.
9. If the ground is wet and you can’t find dry leaves and sticks, you can use your hand sanitizer to kindle the fire. In most cases, hand sanitizers are made of alcohol which is easily flammable.
10. Carry extra pairs of socks.
11. Don’t forget, your rain ponchos (even if its summer).
Staying Cool in Arid and Desert Conditions
12. Seek shade. Get out of the sun as much as possible.
13. Take breaks whenever possible. This will allow your body to cool down.
14. Stay hydrated. Even though it might be tempting to drink a whole bottle at once, it is recommended to take small sips after every few minutes to stay hydrated longer.
15. Keep your sleeves down to stay cool.
16. Carry your hat.
Plants for Survival
17. Burn herbs to drive away flies, mosquitoes, and other insects.
18. If you didn’t carry warm clothing, stuff your clothes with dry grass and branches to stay warm.
19. You can use dock leaves as antihistamines.
20. Make willow bark tea to relieve pain, they act as natural aspirins.
21. Acorns can be used fight intestinal infections.
22. Coconut milk and succulent fruits are good sources of water and energy.
23. Rose hips can be used to treat constipation.
Collecting Clean Water
24. Boil water before drinking.
25. Filter spring water using a clean t-shirt and two containers. Place the container with the spring water on a higher level than the other one, and place the ends of the t-shirt into both containers. After one hour or so clean water will start collecting in the empty container.
26. Collect rainwater for drinking using large leaves (like banana tree leaves).
27. Pack water purifying tablets.
28. Remove the horrible taste and smell of boiled water by filtering it with charcoal.
29. The dead barks of trees can act as gutters to collect clean rain water.
30. Collect transpiration water from tree leaves using polythene bags.
31. Learn how to find water sources in the wild.
Tips to Help You Avoid Getting Lost
32. Never explore the great outdoors alone.
33. If you get lost or injured, do not panic. Stop, think, and plan.
34. Stick to your planned route. Do not wander into the wilderness.
35. Navigate by day. If you don’t have a map or compass, you can use the sun’s position to find your way – the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
36. Do not travel at night. Instead, find a suitable camping ground and stay put for the night.
38. Use the North Star for directions. No matter the season, the North Star will always point to the true north.
39. Before your adventure, make sure you leave a plan with someone who can contact the authorities in case you don’t return at the appropriate time.
40. Carry your party glow sticks for easy tracking.
41. Always wear a utility/survival/paracord bracelet.
42. Learn how to predict the weather. For example, a red sky symbolizes a storm.
Skills for Survival
43. Make a simple spear. To make a split-tip spear, cut down a sapling that’s about one inch in diameter, and split the wider end with a pocket knife into four equal parts. Push a smaller stick or stone between the tines to spread them. Sharpen the end of the tines, and you’ve got yourself a DIY four-pronged spear for hunting, fishing, and protection.
44. Learn how to make the double half pitch knot. To do this, tie a half hitch around an object, and follow it by a second hitch in the same direction, then tightly pull the ends. This knot can be useful when building a shelter.
45. Learn how to make a bowline knot. Make a loop, then pass one end of the rope through the loop from the bottom, wrap a line around the standing line and bring it down through the loop. This knot comes in handy when attaching something to your rope.
46. Do not prepare your meals near your shelter to prevent attacks from wild animals during the night.
47. Invest in a good pocket knife, it will really come in handy.
48. Know how to signal for help using signal mirrors.
49. Learn how to signal for help using bonfires and smoke.
50. Learn how to signal for help using whistles.
51. Use an aluminum foil to boil water.
52. You can also use a large aluminum foil as a mirror.
First Aid and Health Tips
53. In the event you get a blister, protect it with a bandage for quick relief.
54. Control excessive bleeding with a tampon.
55. Depending on the terrain, wear the right type of shoes.
56. Alcohol can be used as an antiseptic.
57. Protect your injuries and scratches by applying a ChapStick lip balm.
58. Sooth mosquitoes and insect bites using toothpaste.
59. Don’t use dirty water to treat your cuts and wounds.
Start Practicing Your Survival Skills Today
Surviving the wild takes a lot of practice. Don’t wait until you’re in in an emergency situation to give these tips a try – start practicing today!