This post will be a review of “The Claw Skinning Tool” from and a YouTube Video of the way I prefer to skin deer.
For some reason, my buddy bought The ForEverlast Claw Skinning Tool from Amazon this year. My opinion is that he saw it in the catalog, ordered it and hated to admit he had been drinking when he’d bought it.
Anyway, we used this tool to skin 6 bucks this year.
I have to say, The Claw works as advertised. As you can see from the picture above, it has long pointed teeth that grip the deer hide as you pull down. The large loop handles are easy to grip.
The thing that I didn’t like about The Claw is that it’s big and bulky and hard to handle with one hand. There are times when you need to pull while you cut.
You also need some loose hide for The Claw to grip well. Trying to grip tight skin will result in a poor grip and one that is likely to slip.
In the past when I skinned deer by hand, I would take the hide and roll it up and then stick my fist behind the roll and push down. On a warm deer, this is pretty quick. On a deer that has been hanging for a few days, it may take a while longer.
We had a few Deer that we hung for a few days and getting the hide off was a little more work than I like.
The YouTube video below is the technique I’ve used for nearly 25 years to get the hide off of my deer. I’m still scratching my head over why my buddy thought The Claw would be quicker, easier and less messy than using a pickup.
If the YouTube video doesn’t work, go here:
Can you figure out why my buddy thought The Claw would be easier and quicker? Me either. I’m chalking it up to some kind of previous head injury he must have received! The pickup method is just too quick and easy.
I went along with it this year, but not next year! I’m getting to old and lazy to skin a deer by hand. Especially when there is a perfectly good pickup around!